Icicle-Shaped Skillset

I’ve often said that “T-shaped” didn’t describe me very well.  I used to say π-shaped because I’m usually focusing deeply in more than one area and 2 seemed about right (and you are what you eat).  Last night I brainstormed the brilliant analogy of icicles for describing skillsets, especially the time component of losing and gaining skills. Of course, someone already wrote a great post about icicle-shaped skillsets.

https://pixy.org/4589852/ Free image/jpeg, Resolution: 1600×1200, File size: 127Kb, icicles on the black background

Modeling Theater Sets with POV-Ray (Part 4)

This post is part of a how-to series for using POV-Ray to model theater sets. Here are links to Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. In part 4 I work on modeling the theater and stage for the set in order to check sightlines and provide the best reference for the rest of the production team.

The same way I thought about flats as thin boxes in POV-Ray, I have to decompose the stage into geometric primitives to easily model it. POV-Ray also handles constructive solid geometry, so we can think about shapes as the differences between other shapes–just like the door flat is a flat with another box cut out of it.

Continue reading “Modeling Theater Sets with POV-Ray (Part 4)”